columbus ohio baby photography

Columbus Baby Photography | Dexter is Three Months Old | Grove City Ohio Photographer

Meet Dexter and all his cuteness.

Columbus Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Grove City Ohio Photographer

I photographed Dexter's newborn session just three short months ago. I can't believe how much he has grown. His piercing, sparkling eyes and adorable smirks were giving me all kinds of baby fever. I had to get in my snuggles before we got started. 

Check out his newborn session here!

He may just have a little bit of spunk. Be prepared for all his adorable expressions!

Columbus Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Grove City Ohio Photographer

See what I mean? 

Columbus Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Grove City Ohio Photographer

He got plenty of mama snuggles in between setups. Love that little fuzzy head. 

Columbus Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Grove City Ohio Photographer

Mom said this is SO him. I'm so thankful to have captured him in a way his parents can remember forever.

Columbus Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Grove City Ohio Photographer

"Um hi. I think you forgot you left me in this bucket."

(His mom was there spotting him on his left. Safety first!)

Columbus Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Grove City Ohio Photographer
Columbus Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Grove City Ohio Photographer
Columbus Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Grove City Ohio Photographer
Columbus Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Grove City Ohio Photographer

This has to be a favorite photo of his whole session. He looks like a little creek Fox chillin' on a piece of wood. That tiny tongue and those blue eyes. So precious!

Columbus Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Grove City Ohio Photographer

After his session he was overdue for snuggles and binky time. These last two are so precious to me, and I hope Dexter's mama loves them as much as I do!

Columbus Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Grove City Ohio Photographer
Columbus Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Grove City Ohio Photographer

Click the contact button below to book your baby's milestone photo session with me!

Grove City Baby Photography || Graham is Three Months Old || Columbus Ohio Photographer

Oh Graham. You're such a ham. That rhymed. 

Grove City Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Columbus Ohio Photographer

Graham gave me the most expressive looks for his three month old photo session in my studio and backyard. Those eyes get me!

Grove City Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Columbus Ohio Photographer

He loves "talking" and holding his hands. 

Grove City Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Columbus Ohio Photographer

And kicking those chunky little legs. 

Grove City Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Columbus Ohio Photographer
Grove City Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Columbus Ohio Photographer

You want to go outside?!

Grove City Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Columbus Ohio Photographer

He loved grinning at his mama, but he still has eyes for me (his aunt)!

Grove City Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Columbus Ohio Photographer

He was having a blast in the morning air in my backyard. Kicking his legs and giggling.

Grove City Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Columbus Ohio Photographer

Mom loved this setup back inside my studio. Nice and cozy for his little self to lay and ham it up. Look at that little smile. 

Grove City Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Columbus Ohio Photographer

You should know by know if you follow me... I love baby toes. Newborns. Three month olds. I always include toe photos in each baby session.

Grove City Baby Photography | Sarah Cropper Photography | Columbus Ohio Photographer

Graham, I can't wait to take your six month photos and see how much you've grown. Who am I kidding, I see him all the time. Haha!

If you haven't booked your baby's milestone photo session with me, click the button below to set up your session with me!