pregnancy announcement photographer

And Then There Were Three | A Pregnancy Announcement | Columbus Ohio Photographer

And Then There Were Three.

A Pregnancy Announcement


When Rick and I married in 2014 we still lived in a one bedroom apartment. When we moved into our first home in Fall 2015, after all the unpacking (that never ends!), we decided it was time to start growing our little family. Little did I know it's not as easy as it sounds. January 2016 arrived and we officially decided to start trying, but month after month went by with no pregnancy. No announcements to be made. I had no idea it could possibly take this long, and I admit I was totally clueless about this common problem. Being a newborn photographer, my baby fever only continued to grow and I ached for a baby of my own. I kept this struggle to myself with the exception of a few loved ones. By November 2016 my doctor and I decided it was time to try fertility medication in the next months to come. I was fully prepared to try them in December for the first time. I was due to start them in just a few short days and was excited but nervous to try something out of the box. The day I found out I was finally pregnant was something I'll never forget.

I met my grandma for lunch on a cold Sunday afternoon, just a week before Christmas. I was finally sharing my struggles with her about our year of trying for a baby. As usual, her wisdom eased my mind. I knew I had to trust God's timing and enjoy this time with my husband. I left our lunch feeling positive, not realizing I was already pregnant. I had been feeling crampy but knew something wasn't right, so I decided to take a test. For the first time in a year, I decided to pray over my test. When I opened my eyes I saw two pink lines staring back at me. I was alone in the house with my dog by my side to share in my excitement! I picked up the phone to call my grandma. I couldn't believe I had just talked with her about all this only to come home and find out I was expecting! A few minutes later my husband and his father walked through the door to see me standing in the family room sobbing; looking like a hot mess. The rest of that day was filled with phone calls and excited text messages, before we headed to my moms to surprise her and my stepdad. 


Flash forward to week six of my pregnancy, when the day-long sickness set in. Holy guacamole, this is hard! From the food aversions, nausea, fatigue, and other random symptoms - I was definitely feeling rough. I decided to allow myself some time to rest in January, and only took one photo session. It felt so weird to do the bare minimum, but I really didn't have a choice. It was a strange feeling to feel so sluggish when I thought I'd feel nothing but joy. But now that I'm reaching the end of my first-trimester I'm feeling my symptoms slowly ease up. Hallelujah! Now on to the fun stuff....

When is your due date? 

August 28th. I'm so beyond happy to have a summer baby. The birthday party possibilities will be endless!

What are your cravings so far?

I mainly crave savory foods. Mexican cuisine & BBQ are at the top of the list. Poor Rick is so sick and tired of Mexican food! 

Will you find out the gender of your baby?

YES! I'm not one of those patient people who enjoys surprises. I need to plan and buy months in advance. 

Speaking of gender, what are you rooting for?

At first I was just so happy to finally be pregnant, I didn't even want to think about a preferred gender. But now I keep secretly hoping for a girl. Rick is (not so secretly) hoping for a boy. My sister is throwing us a gender reveal in March! 

How are you decorating the nursery?

I really love the idea of a classic, safari/animal themed nursery. Like the one HERE. Clean lines, light, not cluttered. We've also discussed an aquarium theme if it's a boy, with the same modern, clean design. 


We're so excited and blessed to start this family! I plan on documenting this wonderful journey on my blog, so stay tuned for more baby bump news! 


Photos by: Justine Tuhy Photography

Maternity Mama in Studio || Grove City, Ohio Maternity Studio Photography

Hey guys! Happy Friday! Meet Jennifer, founder of STR Events and principal event coordinator in Columbus, Ohio. I spent a cozy afternoon with this lovely lady in my studio capturing organic, natural photos of her growing belly. My time with her in my studio felt peaceful, quiet, and private. We captured so many emotions and options for her photo gallery. Couldn't be more excited to share these!

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Sarah Cropper is a natural light photographer who specializes in organic, connection-focused portraits of newborns and families in the Columbus, Ohio area.